Monday, October 13, 2008

I Blame The Government


Due to an...accident between a time machine and my left hand, I seem to have developed an delinquency wherein I seem to be typing up posts referring to comics one post in the future. To try and combat this 'memory gangrene' (if you will), I will put my right hand through a series of rigorous trials, testing it's accuracy, stamina, determination, non-retardation, and ability to control the Hammer of Thor....

Or I guess I could just scroll up...yeah I guess I'll just do that...

Oh yes, the Schoolies series. Despite what my associate has said above, it is no joking matter. It is a poignant time piece, travailing the rollercoaster ride of feelings a weeks worth of binge drinking can bring.

So you know, like throwing up and stuff.


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